In line with the Philippine Department of Education's recent memorandum in response to developments of the global COVID-19 concern, The following rules will be put in place for the SAT set to happen on March 14, 2020.

1. Travel Disclosure for all test takers which will come from the presentation of their Passports on test day. - registered test takers will not be admitted without their passports. Any test taker who previously travelled from China, Korea, Italy, Iran a month prior to test taking will not be admitted. No passport, no entry to campus. 

2. Temperature Check. - test takers with higher than 37.8 will be immediately sent home. 

3. Checking for signs and symptoms related to COVID-19. - any registered test taker will not be admitted if they show any symptoms related to COVID-19: cough, clouds, difficulty breathing, fever. 

4. Only test takers in the official roster will be admitted following policies and procedures stated above. 

(The full memorandum can be found here)