GRADES 11 & 12 | DP

The Diploma Programme

“The Diploma Programme is a challenging, broad, and balanced two-year programme of international education for student aged 16 to 19. Students are required to study six subjects and a curriculum core concurrently. The programme is designed to equip students with the basic academic skills needed for university study, further education and their chosen profession, as well as developing the values and life skills needed to live a fulfilled and purposeful life. The driving force behind the Diploma
Programme is a philosophy about the nature of education that is expressed in the IB’s mission
statement and in the IB learner profile.”- The Diploma Programme: A Basis for Practice© International
Baccalaureate Organization (January 2009)

While the IB Diploma Programme (DP) is the core curriculum for grades 11 and 12 at the Beacon
Academy, students can choose their level of participation in the DP from three choices:

1 To pursue our globally accredited Beacon Academy diploma

2 To pursue the IB diploma & Beacon Academy diploma

3 To pursue IB certification in individual courses & Beacon Academy diploma

It is important to note that all courses that students take in grades 11 and 12 at the Beacon Academy are designed according to the requirements of the IB Diploma Programme, and therefore all three
options are fairly comprehensive and demanding.

Students who register for only the Beacon Academy diploma can opt to take all six subjects at standard level, or they may elect to take one or two at higher level, but all assessment will be internal to the Academy.

Students who register for the IB courses option must register for six subjects, but can select the
subjects that they intend to complete external examinations in. They may take a combination of courses at higher and/or standard levels.

All students, whether or not they pursue the full IB diploma, will also be required to complete an Extended Essay (EE) or a senior project, take the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) class, and satisfactorily involve oneself in Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) tasks.


Click here to download the Diploma Programme’s General Rules and Regulations:

Diploma Programme General Regulations

Click here to download the Diploma Programme’s Course Descriptions:

DP Course Enlistment and Selection